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Helpful Advise

Throughout our special diet journey there has been one lesson that took learning the hard way...don't scrimp or go cheap.

I know it seems odd for me to make this statement but cheaper brands use fillers, cheaper ingredients and higher aluminum cans.

For example, for a person wanting to season a burger with Worcestershire Sauce, you have to know which brand to choose.

French's brand is good but it contains Soy....which is a no go for our family member so we have had to change up to Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. Yes, it costs more but what it saves you is the heart ache of your loved one having an allergic reaction or stomach flare up.

Store brands are good for saving you a few dollars, especially in the canned vegetable department but that is another thing you have to pay attention to. I have tried both brand name and dime store brand canned vegetables in my homemade Brunswick stew and the difference is night and day. The brand name (or good store brands) tastes like it is supposed to however the dime store brand canned vegetable tastes like they have been soaked in a bag of dimes. My stew was ruined, it was virtually inedible and had to be thrown out. It also contributed to elevated aluminum levels for my special diet loved one.

The moral of this post, is that while the everyday ingredients are more expensive, it is worth it in the long run. It is peace of mind for the safety of your loved one and won't cause physical or mental setbacks and that is something you cannot put a price on.

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